As her name suggests, Sugar is as sweet as sugar. Her name originally came from a baby kitten I once named at a pet store "Sugar" because of its brown sugar colored coat. She laid an egg every day (except for when she took days off to rest and regenerate her color pigments for egg color) and would come running towards you when you called her name, many times she would decide to follow people instead of her flock. In her first year she got unlucky and a raccoon who passed by my yard decided to make a snack out of her toes.
In the morning I woke up to frightened, groaning, and shocked hens who were pacing back in forth bawking their complaints in the coop; waiting anxiously to be let out. All over the roost and coop bars was blood that belonged to Sugar. I opened the coop doors to get her out while the rest of the flock not caring for their wounded comrade flew impatiently out, ruffling their feathers after landing. As soon as I set poor Sugar down on the wet grassy lawn, she collapsed (probably in pain) on the ground unable to stand up and follow the other hens who were already making their rounds to the dust-bathing tree. Quickly gathering her in my arms, ran into the house, rinsed her wounds in water, and searched for something to wrap around her wounds. In a drawer with band-aids I found some First Aid hurt free wrap and wrapped her wounds, to secure the wrapping I also wrapped First Aid tape around her feet as well.
Changing Sugar's bandages. |
Sweet little Sugar resting in her cardboard box. |
After another month I decided that it was time for Sugar to return to her old flock. She could walk though had to do it very slowly sort of hobbling along the way, when she ran she would limp/run to a hiding spot or to me. This time as I introduced Sugar to the girls they only gave her a few disciplinary pecks and it was over, Sugar was back in the flock! Even though she was accepted her rank had severely dropped from middle rank to the lowest order, probably due to her disability. As the weeks passed Sugar got better at running and walking, though she could never run as fast as the other chickens, at least she could run to hide when danger emerged. Sugar slowly got more accustomed to her flock mates and in the end she fit right in.
Happily foraging in the yard. |