Saturday, April 12, 2014

Descent o' Lil' Sparrow

A few days ago, I spotted a fluffy female House Sparrow pecking away at fallen birdseed. I noticed that she was fluffed up and a bit sickly looking but I assumed it might just be a bit chilly. When I opened the door to take a closer look, she quickly sprinted away behind the doghouse. Hmm. . . . I thought.

I managed to snap a blurry shot of her making a getaway.
 I guessed that she would probably come back later for more food, so I waited and here she is a again!

I was originally taking pictures of squirrels (on the left), I looked up and saw "Sparrow" eating under the bird feeder again.
 This time Sparrow's problem became clear. As I got nearer she ran. . .but only ran. If she was a healthy and well-abled bird she would have flown away by now, her running also seemed a bit strange.

After getting a few shots of her, I finally noticed that her wing was lopsided, probably broken.
Sparrow running away.

And now, the second time I saw her was today. I managed to catch her from inside the chicken enclosure. When I grabbed her, she emitted a frightened and weak *chirp*. And from the feel of her feathers, she probably was having a hard time finding enough food and just lay in my hands to tired (or mortified) to move. So. I brought inside, fixed her with a cage (I had to move my zebra finch Curry out to a smaller one), cleaned it, and placed the female sparrow inside. She just sat there, immobile, but after a few minutes she was back to hopping and eating seeds. I hope that she can get better soon after this week, anyways I will keep you guys updated!

Top and bottom: The little sparrow in her new cage.

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